News Coverage
Talk of Alabama
Did you catch the Joná’s Way segment on ABC 33/40’s TalkOfAlabama? Founder, Yaikinsha Coles, was on air spreading awareness about the cause and how #BloodClots could affect you and your loved ones!
Courageous Heart of Nya Jona’ Hodoh, 18
Nya Jona` Hodoh was an 18-year-old Tuskegee University-bound student who died of complications in early June, following open heart surgery…
A mother’s loss inspires passion to raise awareness on blood clot dangers
At 8:49 a.m. on June 18, 2018, Yaikinsha Coles sent a text message to her teenage daughter, Nya, who was upstairs in her room.
Need anything?
Nya responded with a Japanese animation GIF of a youngster in a baseball cap leaning forward on an empty table with look of starvation. The caption: Hungry. Need food.
Local mother hosts pop-up boutique in memory of daughter
Nya Jona’ Hodoh’s dream of helping others with health issues like hers will live on through her mother, Yaikinisha Coles, and the efforts that she’s making in her daughters honor.